
We are a passionate, dynamic & infectiously enthusiastic consultancy firm. We support our customers in improving patient outcomes through access to pharmaceutical and technological life science innovations.

We provide them high quality advice adapted to their specificities to optimize their organization, optimize their Pricing & Market Access strategies.

We help our customers implementing their policies and processes by proposing pragmatic & actionable solutions.

We also provide them specific multidimension and in-depth environment analyses to facilitate their decision making. Our objective is to lead them to success in reaching their goals.


Because our world is a more and more integrated and complex environment, it is important to link and put in relation all relevant parameters of a problematic with a long-term strategic vision, in order to be able to propose the best possible orientations.

Because we are in a more and more constraint and competitive market, in a context of globalization, it often become an absolute need for every player to optimize its market strategy and its organization around the questions of Pricing & Market Access, in relation to the other functions of the company. This allows to better ensure the continuity of its existence on the market. It is also paramount to find win-win solutions, which foster innovation and favor long-lasting business collaboration between the different economic players, whereby each party benefits on the long run. This only can potentialize the largest possible access to patients, and allow for a sustainable innovation capacity.

Because the situation of each customer is specific, there is no universal solution: VStrat Consulting provides advice on orientations that best reflect the specific market conditions, with an extreme lucidity on the dynamism of the healthcare environment.


The values which drive our offerings will catalyze your success


Valérie Argaut has experience in multiple therapeutic areas such as vaccines, oncology, cardiovascular, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. She has conducted multiple market studies and analyses, both qualitative and quantitative, has already contributed to the elaboration of tens of product launch strategies, and has developed pricing policies and processes allowing to validate and implement the strategies a pragmatic way.

Strong of this extensive experience and always anticipating future trends of the healthcare environment, our consultancy services are nourished by an important Creativity and promote Thinking outside of the box, thus proposing innovative and adapted solutions. This allows us to offer a unique Value to our clients and thus to reinforce their competitive advantages.


On the contrary to big consulting firms, whose organization and work methodologies are most often more rigid, VStrat Consulting, because of its size and DNA, adapts its offer to the specificities of problematics and constraints of each customer. It proposes optimized solutions in a mindset of maximal flexibility while minimizing useless disruptions as much as possible.

We know how to adapt to internal political sensitivities, due to our experience of managerial organization and expectations at the highest level, of international environments and of transversal missions in multidisciplinary settings.

We also adapt the best we can to our customers’ timing constraints. Our customers’ satisfaction is at the heart of our efforts and aspirations and clearly dictates our way of working.

Reliability & Integrity

We believe that integrity at the heart of a quality collaboration and one of the keys of the success of our mission:

  • The integrity to work in the highest mutual respect and to carefully treat any confidential information
  • The integrity to openly exchange all the relevant information and discuss everything at stake
  • The integrity to discuss honestly and in-depth the analysis outcomes even when it contradicts what was expected or hoped or can move some sensibilities.

We guaranty our clients of our reliability to work in the respect of all our values, and this way make our best to deliver in a professional and timely manner the quality advice and deliverables expected from us.

Trust & Collaboration

Nous pensons qu’il est nécessaire et très important de travailler et d’échanger sur un mode collaboratif afin que la mission soit menée avec succès auprès de nos clients et dans le respect des contraintes de temps. Ainsi, nous nous attachons toujours à créer et à promouvoir une collaboration avec et entre les différentes équipes qui contribuent et participent à une mission.

En accord avec les clients et selon les situations et les besoins, VStrat Consulting peut aussi proposer de travailler en partenariat avec d’autres professionnels expérimentés qui partagent les mêmes valeurs afin de capitaliser sur nos synergies et nos complémentarités, et ainsi proposer à nos clients une offre intégrée plus globale lorsque pertinent, cumulant les expertises de chacun.