Knowledge Building – Educating about Pricing & Market Access Methodologies

Payers Institutions- Governmental Healthcare Agencies – International NGOs

Your organization sometimes experiences discrepancies amongst your collaborators in terms of knowledge about the Pricing or Market Access techniques, and you believe you could gain in efficiency, improve the transversal collaborations across the different functions and therefore better meet the objectives of your mission by providing a minimum common knowledge basis to your employees.
VStrat-Consulting can facilitate your work & collaborations by designing a customized Education Module specifically addressing your needs.
  • Educational modules to develop awareness of current international healthcare world constraints (including outside of your own country) and also the constraints of the pharmaceutical industry and implications on cross interactions with it.
  • Training of specific internal stakeholders on technical pricing and market access methodologies
  • Role playing games on market simulators- Develop ad hoc customized environment or problematic models (including possibility of quantified scenarios) to support the policy building or procurement practice

Examples of Ad Hoc analysis


  • Client with portfolio of implantable medical devices needed a better understanding of the market and key players in multiple countries
  • Limited knowledge on the key players and their size, the reimbursement landscape of the underlying surgery and bundling within each segment
  • No clarity on current net price levels and pricing strategy for portfolio assets Need for portfolio pricing strategy

Approach & Solutions

  • Client with portfolio of implantable medical devices needed a better understanding of the market and key players in multiple countries
  • Limited knowledge on the key players and their size, the reimbursement landscape of the underlying surgery and bundling within each segment
  • No clarity on current net price levels and pricing strategy for portfolio assets Need for portfolio pricing strategy


  • Client with portfolio of implantable medical devices needed a better understanding of the market and key players in multiple countries
  • Limited knowledge on the key players and their size, the reimbursement landscape of the underlying surgery and bundling within each segment
  • No clarity on current net price levels and pricing strategy for portfolio assets Need for portfolio pricing strategy

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