Knowledge Building – Pricing & Market Access Methodologies

Your Pricing & Market Access Departments sometimes experience difficulties, a lack of buy-in from collaborators in other internal functions of the company, for instance when they wish to introduce new pricing policies or regulations, new market access processes, new strategies. Also you maybe think for example that certain specialists collaborators in marketing functions could benefit from a broader or more detailed knowledge of Pricing & Market Access methodologies & constraints.
VStrat-Consulting can help you smooth transversal collaborations across functions, building a minimum internal knowledge basis on expert topics, in order to improve the overall efficiency of your company, to facilitate the implementation of new processes and policies, or to support the transforming, organization evolution or change management in your company.
  • Knowledge Modules in order to develop the awareness around the current healthcare world constraints, or the pricing and market access international regulations
  • Training of specific internal stakeholders/ collaborators on peculiar Pricing & Market Access methodologies
  • Role Games or Market Simulators – Customized development of market or problematics simulations (including the possibility of quantifying different scenarios with a specific focus on pragmatic solutions) in order to support the optimization and successful achievement of customers’ strategic plans

Examples of Ad Hoc analysis


  • Client with portfolio of implantable medical devices needed a better understanding of the market and key players in multiple countries
  • Limited knowledge on the key players and their size, the reimbursement landscape of the underlying surgery and bundling within each segment
  • No clarity on current net price levels and pricing strategy for portfolio assets Need for portfolio pricing strategy

Approach & Solutions

  • Client with portfolio of implantable medical devices needed a better understanding of the market and key players in multiple countries
  • Limited knowledge on the key players and their size, the reimbursement landscape of the underlying surgery and bundling within each segment
  • No clarity on current net price levels and pricing strategy for portfolio assets Need for portfolio pricing strategy


  • Client with portfolio of implantable medical devices needed a better understanding of the market and key players in multiple countries
  • Limited knowledge on the key players and their size, the reimbursement landscape of the underlying surgery and bundling within each segment
  • No clarity on current net price levels and pricing strategy for portfolio assets Need for portfolio pricing strategy

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